Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Couple things: I am not 16, and you wish I was talking about knitting.

How many times can they mysterious "they" tell me that stretching is important before I'll learn. Or when I hear that running is a "high-impact" sport, why doesn't that sink in? While I realize that I might have an unnecessarily dramatic fear of turning Voldemort, it IS true that I no longer possess the physical recovery skills of a teenager. My back made that abundantly clear this week. I think the impact and compression really did a number on my lower spine, and for the past couple days I have not been able to bend forward without holding onto something. Bossmanboss from Team Vintage kindly said, "you're old," and while I "appreciate" his candor, I decided that I was going to prove him at least a little bit wrong last night and actually engage in some stretching.

I have one of those giant exercise ball things and at the moment it's a bit deflated, but this may have worked to my advantage. I squooshed the ball under my belly and hung my legs over one side, head over the other, and waited. The first three minutes were agony. It was that type of pain where you're not sure if it hurts but feels good or just hurts. Nonetheless I decided to dangle some more, and after a bit it became comfortable. Also, I appreciate the intricacies of Berber much more than I ever did. Did you know that the origin of Berber dates back to the Paleolithic era? Well it does, and I am newly impressed.

So my stretching + a safe but healthy portion of painkillers relaxed my back, and I feel great today. And I have learned a valuable lesson-- extra strength Vicodin stretching is essential to my comfort and well-being.

Now, about that sweater. In my Binder-O-Info from running class there is a suggestion that you weigh yourself before and after you run. Yes, that sounds like unimaginable torture, and I would NEVER recommend that to any human I know. However, the Binder of Unthinkable Suggestions provides a very valid reason--when you're starting to run you don't always understand that you're doing things incorrectly (see: not stretching). Noticing if you gain or lose a significant amount of weight while you run is an excellent indicator that you're hurting your body in some way.

I lost more than 3 lbs. last night on my run! I am a sweater under any circumstances, and while I was psyched bout the number on the scale, that was not great. Granted it was especially humid and I was on those abominable hills, but someone needs to drink more water. The running coach recommended we get one of those little belt things with the teeny bottles of water if we're running more than three miles, but I'm just not sure I am ready for that level of gear. I wouldn't mind those little gel-pills of hydration--their mere existence is proof that flying cars are only a year or two away, I think.

Tonight it's going to be a million degrees. I am walking/stretching but not running. Thursday is back to class. Hopefully I'll make the 3 mile mark again. I'll wear a watch this time and tell you what the speed stats are. Or...what's the word for the opposite of speed?

If anyone has any suggestions or stories of similar aches and pains, please let me know!

Also, there is no time like the present to donate.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

While it's not something that most runners do, weighing yourself before long-distance runs is a good idea in terms of gauging how much water you're consuming. Everyone knows that you lose water when you sweat, but how just much water you've lost after your run is another story. For this reason, it's also recommended you weigh yourself after. It's important not to drink too much water(lest you cramp up) during your run, too-basically, your weight should remain what it was prior to the run, or lower. This might be a bit of a moot point for only 3 miles, but it becomes more important as your distances increase.

As for stretching, yes-don't skip on it, before your run(and AFTER you've warmed up), and after your cool down. Your muscles won't be as sore. I'm sure the Binder-O-Info has all that in there though ;)

Also, there should be no antonyms in the runner's vocabulary for the word you're asking about. Keep at it!!