Monday, August 20, 2007

On hurrying.

I may not be known for being on time. Maybe.

It's unfortunate that I'm motivated by pressure, and it's even more unfortunate that while it causes me to be successful at making it out of the house, I'm generally not exceptionally prompt. I like to think that I am really good at being on time for my work appointments and so I have built up quite a bit of chrono-karma for the other parts of my life. No? It doesn't work like that?

Yeah, I kind thought not and really had to strongly consider whether to run on Saturday. It was 2:29 when I tied my shoes and headed out the door. I thought, "Ok...go 20 or so minutes, up the neighborhood streets, through the Diag, back up Division. I'll get back at 2:49, jump in the shower and make it to the 4:00." This was perhaps not the best plan. I forgot about the warming up that would have to be done, and I completely forgot that I would be running near the Law Quad, so I'd have to go a little bit further to see if I could catch the bride and groom having photos taken. People always take pictures in the Law Quad (if someone were smart they'd just rent dorm space from a poor [HA!] JD student and run a photography studio from there). Going the extra distance set me back--and they weren't even there (yet). I checked my iPod: 2:43 and I was pretty far from the shower.

Can't you just picture my nightmare fantasy...
"Do you take this man to be your..." CRASH everyone turns scowling at the offensive jerk who tried to sneak in late and let the door slam shut during the vows. NOW THE VIDEO IS RUINED. RUINED! The bride cries, mascara streaking down her face and onto her pristine white dress. Agony. The groom looking back and forth between his grief-stricken almost-wife and me, "Why would you do this? WHY?!?"*

Guess who learned to run fast.

I forgot my watch, but I started out at 2:29 like I said, and fell into the doorway at 2:59 (and into the shower at 2:59:06). I think sprinting the last 3/4 mile home should count for something. I mean, I was desperately averting disaster.

The opposite of disaster

Made it.

*Yes, I believe weddings do involve that much drama.
**The brownish stripe is me.


Unknown said...

I'm happy to see that this particular run had beer at the finish line! Figuratively speaking, anyway.

Angela said...

How on earth is that figurative in any way?